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A lesson in planning and follow through

Dealer North, N/S Vulnerable

Elizabeth McKee and Ed Betteto are the 2019 Mixed Pairs Champions at the Bermuda Bridge Club when they came from just behind at the halfway stage to overhaul first session leaders, Gertie Barker and John Burville.

In third place were Diana Diel, Mike Viotti and they were followed by Jane Smith, Alan Douglas and Linda and Bill Pollett in 4th and 5th.

Bill and Linda also won the B Flight from Judy King and John Leubkeman. The field for this event was pretty deep with most of the top players taking part.

Going into the event, I would probably have made Smith- Douglas the narrow favourites based on their experience and track record. But McKee-Betteto are both top players in their respective divisions and they would also have been strongly fancied.

Both have won many titles at the club and whilst they are not a regular partnership they clearly had enough to get them over the line. They both bring a lot of talent and experience to the table and are good value for their win.

Congratulations also to John and Gertie for running them close and to all the placed pairs in what was a very competitive affair. This week’s hand is, again, a lesson in planning, and both declarers started off on the right track but then one didn’t follow through, whilst the other did.

Dealer North, N/S Vulnerable

After North opened a Club, South responded a Spade and then bid the Spade game when North supported the Spade suit.

West led the Heart Jack at both tables and both declarers started the same way — it was clear that if trumps were 2-2 the contract was cold and if they were 4-0 there was no chance.

If they were 3-1, resulting in one trump loser, declarer had to try and avoid losing a trick in each of the other suits.

Both declarers won the Heart, and in order to try and avoid a Heart loser came to hand with a trump and led a low Diamond towards the Queen; West rose with the King and led the Queen of Spades.

The first declarer, who was less experienced than the other, won this with the Ace, crossed to the Diamond Queen and then realised that there was no quick entry back to his hand. He played Ace and another Club, won the heart return and tried to ruff a Club back to his hand. West, however, over-ruffed and cashed a heart — one down!

At the other table Declarer thought a bit ahead and when West led the Spade Queen he let it hold. Now he was in control — he won the Heart switch, cashed the Diamond Queen, crossed to his high trump drawing the Jack, and cashed the Diamond ace, throwing dummy’s losing Heart — contract made!

As you can see, it is a fine line between success and failure.

Results for week of April 8

Monday afternoon


1, Edward Betteto/Greta Marshall

2, Charles Hall/Judith Bussell

3, Geoff Bell/Kathleen Bell


1, William Pollett/Molly Taussig

2, Gertrude Barker/Marilynn Simmons

3, Magda Farag/Stephanie Kyme

Wednesday morning


1, Julia Beach/Patricia Siddle

2, Judith Bussell/Magda Farag

3, William Pollett/Linda Pollett


1, Edward Betteto/Sancia Garrison

2, Harry Kast/Molly Taussig

3, Michael Bickley/Dorry Lusher

Thursday evening


1, Judith Bussell/Harry Kast

2, William Pollett/Linda Pollett

3, John Luebkemann/Judy King


1, Inger Mesna/John Rayner

2, Gertrude Barker/John Glynn

3, Edward Betteto/Elizabeth McKee

Friday afternoon


1, Edward Betteto/Elizabeth McKee

2, Judith Bussell/Linda Pollett

3, W Pollett/J King/J Pearson/J Shaw


1, Patricia Siddle/Julia Beach

2, Scott Godet/Sally Godet

3, George Correia/Heather Woolf