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Ascendant names Gilbert general counsel

Appointment: Asendant Group, parent company of power utility Belco, has named Lorianne Gilbert as general counsel

Ascendant Group Ltd today announced the appointment of a new legal counsel and company secretary.

Lorianne Gilbert took over as general counsel at the start of this month and became secretary last November.

Sean Durfy, chief executive officer of Ascendant, said: “She has been a terrific asset to our team since coming on board in September 2016 as interim general counsel.

“Her vast legal experience in a range of areas will serve us well as we move into a new regulatory environment and chapter of growth for our company”.

Ms Gilbert has been a lawyer for more than 20 years and has extensive experience in the business world.

Her previous experience includes positions at telecoms firm KeyTech where she served as general counsel and secretary, and at Bermuda law firms.

Ms Gilbert has a degree in politics and Spanish from Wake Forest University and a law degree from the London School of Economics.