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Butterfield services back online

Problems: Butterfield customers were suffering from technical issues with their bank cards this morning (Photograph by Akil Simmons)

Butterfield Bank’s ATM and card processing point-of-sale services are up and running again after technical issues caused problems for customers earlier today.

Customers this morning found that their bank cards were not working when paying for items at grocery stores and trying to withdraw funds at cash points.

This resulted in people leaving items that they tried to pay for within stores, causing frustration and confusion.

Mark Johnson, Butterfield’s group head of communications, said this morning that the bank was having technical issues with its US base processor.

This afternoon Butterfield announced on its Facebook page: “Please be advised that the outage we experienced earlier today affecting ATM and point-of-sale services has now been rectified and all services are once again available. We apologise for the inconvenience.”

The services were reported to be down since early morning today.