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Bermudian brings new veggiemilk to island

Dairy alternative: Jared Dylan Petty is about to launch Veggemo, a non-dairy milk at Lindo’s in Devonshire (Photograph supplied)

A non-dairy milk that is made from vegetable ingredients will be launched in Bermuda today by Jared Dylan Petty.

The Bermudian discovered the product, called Veggemo, while living in Canada and invested in the company that produces it, Global Garden Group.

That led to him speaking with the chief executive officer about bringing the item to Bermuda. An agreement was made and Mr Petty now has the exclusive international distribution rights for the product in Bermuda.

Mr Petty, 27, told The Royal Gazette how his business venture, Live Plus Bermuda, took shape.

When he was 14, he and his family moved to Canada. He said: “I finished high school I returned to the island and worked in the construction industry, but I realised I didn’t want to continue down that route so I went back to school in Canada.”

Although he did not complete the last year of a human services degree course, he was able to land a job with the Canadian government working with at risk youth.

“I really enjoyed my job, and the money was good. I love working and being a positive role model for people.”

Mr Petty became friends with a colleague who was a strict vegan and who told him about Global Gardens Group. He suggested investing in the company while it was still young.

Mr Petty said: “I started to live a healthier lifestyle myself, and decided why not invest in a company that I can benefit from. I put in a chunk of my money and watched the product, Veggemo, grow [in popularity] in Canada, America and China.”

Veggemo is a milk made from yellow peas, tapioca from cassava and potatoes. It is dairy-free and gluten-free, and contains no nuts, soy, or GMO ingredients.Mr Petty said the milk is rich in calcium and vitamin D, with six grams of protein per serving. It is also a source of vitamin B12.

Being business-minded, and already having shares in the company, Mr Petty met with the CEO of Global Garden Group and expressed an interest in marketing the product in Bermuda.

“I thought why not speak with the CEO and ask about branching out. He agreed to take a chance on me,” Mr Petty said.

He returned to Bermuda in his new role as the rep for Veggemo, and started to get the ball rolling by contacting a few grocery stores.

Lindo’s in Devonshire agreed to create a platform for Mr Petty to launch and sell the product at the supermarket. This will be daily and starts today from 8am to 12pm. Mr Petty will give out samples and offer a ‘buy one, get one free’ special promotion.

For more information visit the Facebook page Live Plus Bermuda or instagram @Live Plus Bermuda. There is also a website at https//veggemo.com