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Senate: civil ceremony location boost

More locations are planned for marriage ceremonies

New initiatives in the Ministry of Home Affairs are hoped to provide revenue boosts, according to Michael Fahy.

Delivering the budget for the ministry in the Senate, Sen Fahy noted that new legislation would be introduced this year to extend the locations that civil marriage ceremonies can be performed.

Under existing legislation, the non-religious ceremonies can only be performed at the regulatory office, but new rules would allow them to be held at other government buildings or parks at an increased fee.

He also told the Senate that amendments would be made to copyright legislation to bring them in line with international standards and promote the .bm domain address to encourage businesses to use the domain.

Sen Fahy expressed that all three initiatives are hoped to increase revenue for the department in the future.

And in the area of workforce development, he noted recent improvements to the job board to better enable job seekers to identify opportunities and training schemes to help them be more competitive.

Responding, Opposition senator Kim Wilkerson praised decision to expand the number of locations civil marriage ceremonies can be performed, asking if government have considered how the introduction of same-sex marriages or civil unions would affect figures.

She also questioned new compliance measures in the Charities Act, noting that many charities were struggling due to the economic climate, and in the area of workforce development, asked if the department knew how many positions have been filled by applicants through the job board.

“I think that’s the most important metric,” she said.