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Sewage plant fully operational

The sewage treatment plant at Grotto Bay Beach Resort and Spa is fully operational after a month-long wait for a motor.

A power cut resulted in a fault at the plant last month causing a stench around the area.

Electricity was restored at the hotel but a smell remained as the plant’s motor had burnt out.

The hotel’s general manager, JP Martens, told The Royal Gazette on Friday: “We had been waiting for a new motor and that was installed two days ago.

“The motor burnt out after the electric power issue.

“Those are custom-made motors so the factory had to produce it, then we flew it in.

“It got released out of customs on Tuesday morning and it was installed by Tuesday midday.

“I have been to the plant since and it is back to normal. There is no smell — it took about 24 hours after the new motor was installed.

“It has not affected the hotel. It’s a long process.

“It had nothing to do with the treatment of the sewage because that is in the aeration tank and that always worked. Although this is the first time this has ever happened in my 20 so years at the hotel.

“We now have two motors just in case it happens again. We won’t have to wait for the factory, we have full back up even though it will probably never happen again.”

Kerry Judd, Belco’s corporate communications manager, advised: “As a safety precaution, any time customers experience partial or split power, Belco always recommends that power be turned off at the fuse box and to call 955.”