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New setting for Olympic fame wall

Representing island: Tyrone Smith carries the Bermuda flag as our athletes attend the opening ceremony for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro (File photograph by Michael Sohn/AP)

A planned Olympic Wall of Fame is set to be erected at the National Sports Centre rather than at City Hall.

While the monument to athletes who have represented the island was intended to be located at City Hall only temporarily, the Bermuda Olympic Association announced that the monument would instead be erected at a site on Roberts Avenue in Devonshire.

The Bermuda National Trust commended the decision, with a spokesman stating that the body had some concerns about the City Hall location, but chose not to object because the location was temporary.

The Trust had also been concerned that the monument was to be located in the direct sightline of the grade one-listed City Hall and would obscure the view of the historic landmark.

William White, the Trust president, said: “We agree with the BOA that the site at Roberts Avenue is the most appropriate location for a monument to sporting achievement and will serve as an inspiration to the many sportsmen and women, spectators and young people who use the NSC’s facilities on a regular basis.

“We do not know all of the factors that went into the BOA’s decision, but the effect of the decision is the right one from an aesthetic and cultural standpoint, and we commend the BOA and the National Sports Centre trustees for this decision.”

When completed, the Olympic Wall of Fame will list all of the athletes who have represented Bermuda at an Olympic Games, along with the year they competed and their sport.