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Royal visit lit up Regiment ceremony

Special guests: Princess Margaret presented the Colours to the newly formed Bermuda Regiment. From centre, going right, are Governor Lord Martonmere, Princess Margaret, Lady Martonmere, the Earl of Snowdon, Ruth Tucker and Cynthia Toddings (Photograph supplied)

Lord Snowdon, Princess Margaret’s former husband, has died at the age of 86.

The Royal couple visited Bermuda in November 1965 in order for Princess Margaret to present the Colours of the Bermuda Regiment at the National Stadium in Devonshire.

As the newly formed Regiment’s first Colonel-in-Chief, the Queen’s sister was presented with a diamond and platinum brooch, in the colours of the regiment.

She and Lord Snowdon also toured the City of Hamilton where they were greeted by Mayor Gilbert Cooper and met artist Bill Harrington who created the oil painting of the city given to them in honour of their visit.

The pair married on May 6, 1960, but they separated after 16 years of marriage and the divorce was finalised in 1978.

Princess Margaret, who had visited the island on several occasions in the 1950s and 1960s due to her connections with the Regiment, continued to return to Bermuda after the couple separated.

She travelled to Bermuda in 1984 when she unveiled the The Desmond Hale Fountain statue of Admiral Sir George Somers in St George and formally opened the Bermuda Arts Centre in Dockyard.

Her health gradually deteriorated in the final two decades of her life before she died in February 2002.

Lord Snowdon, a renowned photographer and film-maker in his own right, died yesterday at his home.