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Furbert promotes media’s role in helping PAC

Wayne Furbert, chairman of the Public Accounts Committee

The media’s job in strengthening the role of the Public Accounts Committee was among the agenda items for an overseas forum attended by Opposition MP Wayne Furbert, chairman of Bermuda’s PAC.

The two-day conference’s discussion points were put forward by the UK’s Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, which provided attendees with a best practice policy for Overseas Territories.

“By having us here, it allows them to get an idea of what we are doing, so that they can refine the policy,” Mr Furbert said from the forum in Miami.

Mr Furbert’s own presentation focused on using the media to strengthen the role of public financial oversight, which included his experiences with Bermuda’s media and outlining how it has assisted Bermuda’s PAC in its work.

“Some of the ways the media help us out is by helping us to bring to the attention issues that PAC has to deal with,” he said.

“It helps to keep public office accountable and transparent and helps shine the light on Financial Instructions which have gone wrong.

“I expressed that the media does an excellent job in helping the PAC out.”

Mr Furbert also chaired a session on maintaining committee consensus and political impartiality, exploring the practical aspects of working with colleagues across party lines.