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Caines plans to create 100 new Bermudian jobs

Setting target: Wayne Caines announces jobs fair yesterday (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)

The Government has set a target of 100 jobs for 100 unemployed Bermudians, Wayne Caines announced yesterday.

The Minister of National Security said a jobs fair would be held this month in an attempt to match people with work.

Mr Caines added: “Quite simply, ‘100 Jobs’ seeks to connect 100 unemployed and underemployed Bermudians with 100 employers. We see this as an excellent way for business people, corporate entities and small and medium-sized businesses to help to employ their fellow citizens.”

Mr Caines said: “We are of the belief that if a person is able to provide for their family and make a positive contribution to society they are less likely to engage in antisocial behaviour.”

The Ministry of National Security has teamed up with the Department of Workforce Development for the programme.

Diallo Rabain, the education minister, said jobseekers should add their names to the department’s list.

He added: “We cannot refer your name unless you come to our department to sign up for the unemployment register.”

The two ministers were joined by Pastor Leroy Bean, gang violence reduction co-ordinator, for the launch.

Mr Bean said a meeting for employers would be held at the Police Recreation Club in Prospect on March 15 from 5.30pm to 6.30pm.

Mr Bean added: “It is our goal to host a jobs fair on Monday, March 26, at the Hamilton Seventh-day Adventist Youth Centre from 4pm to 7pm.”

Mr Caines emphasised that “no specific demographic” was to be targeted.

He added: “The challenge is not getting people that need jobs. The challenge is to get employers in the room.”

The minister said the jobs programme was open to all businesses, from professional companies to trades firms.

Employers interested in taking part should contact Samantha Knight at 294-9283 or e-mail nationalsecurity@gov.bm