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Asbestos found in police building

The Bermuda Police Association is “very concerned” over the discovery of asbestos in a police building, the head of the organisation said yesterday.

Police announced the Criminal Records Office was temporarily closed after material containing asbestos was found in files in a cabinet.

It forced the immediate halt to vetting requests in areas including employment and immigration.

Andrew Harewood, chairman of the BPA, said: “Obviously our main concern is that of the health of our members.”

The building is located at police headquarters in Prospect, Devonshire.

A police spokesman said that the move was made “out of an abundance of caution” after tests showed asbestos was present.

The spokesman added: “The safety, health and wellbeing of our staff, and that of the public, remains a main priority for the BPS.”

Mr Harewood said that the BPA was notified of the find by senior management earlier this week.

He added: “To my knowledge, it was acted on immediately.”

Mr Harewood said he could not provide information on the number of organisation members that worked in the office.

He added that a statement had not been issued to members by the BPA about the discovery.

Mr Harewood said: “We were informed that the issue is being dealt with by senior management.”

He said the BPA would work along with management to make sure the necessary protocols were followed.

Mr Harewood added: “The results will determine what we do from there.”

The police spokesman said that the closure would last until additional testing and assessments can be conducted.

He said: “The BPS recognises the important role that vetting plays in employment, immigration and other related areas, and sincerely regrets this necessary suspension of services at the Criminal Records Office.

“The public is being assured that everything is being done to restore services in a safe and healthy environment for our staff and the public in the shortest possible time.”

People who made vetting requests before Monday this week should contact staff on 247-1513 or vetting@bps.bm.