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Meet the ‘environauts’

An excerpt from one of David Chapman's Daddy and I Explore books

Author David Chapman, and the stars of his Daddy and I Explore series of books, will sign copies of the tales at the weekend.

Dr Chapman wrote about his experiences exploring the environment with his “environaut” children in five books from 2007 to 2012.

The books remain popular and are now being used at a Planet Math winter camp being organised by Dr Chapman and mathematics teacher Sergio Pitcher.

The camp will include a trip to Tom Moore’s Jungle led by Dr Chapman’s daughter, Asante, who was one of the three original environauts.

The environauts, who are now all grown up, will be at book signing in the Planet Math building on Park Road, Hamilton, on Saturday, from 10am to noon.

All the books in the series will be available, as well as details on the Planet Math programme.