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Police pair honoured at Caribbean event

Regional recognition: Superintendent Na’imah Astwood and Constable Cerepha Bridgeman at the awards in the Cayman Islands (Photograph supplied)

Two Bermuda police officers have been honoured by the Association of Caribbean Commissioners of Police.

Superintendent Na’imah Astwood was named first runner-up in the ACCP’s Top Caribbean Career Move prize at the organisation’s 34th Annual General Meeting and Conference.

Constable Cerepha Bridgeman was named the second runner-up in the Top Caribbean Community Policing Officer category.

The ceremony was held in the Cayman Islands last Wednesday.

The awards were designed to pick the top three officers in each category and all nominees were invited to an all-expenses paid trip to the conference to receive their trophies.

Commissioner of Police Stephen Corbishley attended at the Cayman Westin Grand hotel to present the officers with their trophies.