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Parks and beaches ready for Cup Match

The island’s parks and beaches opened yesterday for camping for the Cup Match holiday and weekend.

Lieutenant-Colonel David Burch, the Minister of Public Works, said campers and picnickers were welcome to set up and that camping would be allowed until Sunday.

But all equipment and property must be removed by next Tuesday or it will be disposed of.

Gates to parks and beaches are open, but will be locked by park rangers at 9.30pm today.

A public works ministry spokeswoman said staff will be on duty to collect trash and clean bathrooms over the holiday weekend and rangers will patrol the parks and beaches.

Lifeguards will be on duty at Horseshoe Bay, Clearwater Beach and Turtle Bay.

Staff will also supervise parking and traffic at Horseshoe Bay, Elbow Beach at Tribe Road, West Whale Bay and Clearwater Beach, Turtle Bay and Coopers Island Park and Nature Reserve.

Parks staff will be on duty at Horseshoe Bay tomorrow with police and traffic officers from the Transport Control Department, and medics from St John Ambulance.

When the car park is full, access will be for drop-offs until more spaces are available.

The parking lot will be closed periodically to traffic to clear congestion.

Horseshoe Bay will be closed at 7.30pm for cleaning in preparation for Friday.

Park and beach users were also reminded not to block the gates.