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Premier calls for report on police crackdown

A protester wipes his eyes after being pepper-sprayed by police outside the House of Assembly (Photograph by Akil Simmons)

Michael Dunkley, the Premier, called clashes at the protest on Friday outside of Parliament “disheartening to see and unacceptable” and also criticised “obstruction to our democracy”.

Mr Dunkley said last night that he had asked Government House, along with police, for an investigation into the crackdown on protesters, with “a report be completed for the Government on what happened and why”.

The statement came as David Burt, the Leader of the Opposition, issued a call for the Premier to “urgently address how and why riot police and pepper spray were deployed against Bermudians exercising their democratic right to peacefully protest”.

Mr Dunkley’s statement continued: “Democracy means we listen, debate and vote in the legislature. Any threat to that process is a threat to our way of life, how we govern this country and basic decent respect regardless of party or position.

“The inciteful, divisive rhetoric from the Opposition over the past week has no place in our country. Any leader that encourages demonstration and obstruction to our democracy is clearly not a leader that respects the democratic process which allows the business of the people to be conducted in the House of Assembly.”

The Premier defended the airport terminal redevelopment, which prompted the call for demonstrators to block Parliament as MPs prepared to debate legislation for the project, as “badly needed” and “a vital investment in our infrastructure and community”.

To read the Premier’s statement and Mr Burt’s, select the PDFs under “Related Media”