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House: Business initiatives celebrated

Minister for Economic Development Grant Gibbons

The Minster for Economic Development Grant Gibbons outlined the success of the Global Entrepreneurship Week last November.

Dr Gibbons also described the Entrepreneur’s Guide to Bermuda Government Concessions, Incentives, Obligations, Grants and Awards as “a valuable resource to Bermuda’s entrepreneurs and small business owners”.

Brought about by the Bermuda Economic Development Corporation and created in-house by the Department of Communications and Information, it is available online at the BEDC’s website in the ‘Small Business Toolbox’ under the ‘Resources Tab’ at www.bedc.bm/index.php/resources/small-business-tool-box or in person at the BEDC office.

Dr Gibbons told the House of Assembly: “Help from the BEDC comes in the form of loans and other types of financial assistance. They also provide useful information, technical advice and guidance. In addition, they manage a register of over 7,000 small and medium size businesses, as well as the Economic Empowerment Zones.

“The guide includes details on apprenticeships and training programmes, student funding, and incentives that include tax relief for small businesses and duty relief in various forms.

“For example, the Government provides help for those who take advantage of green solutions including reduced customs duties for energy efficient products and renewable energy technologies.”

Dr Gibbons said the guide should not be viewed in isolation pointing to the many resources available including GEW now in its ninth year.

“With the support of the Ministry of Economic Development, the BEDC, believes that participating in this initiative helps to demonstrate the benefits of entrepreneurship as an empowerment tool.”

Dr Gibbons also highlighted the BEDC’s third annual Entrepreneurship Education Awards which celebrated over 100 students on completion of multi-week intensive training programmes during 2016. The various programmes included the BEDC’s eight-week Entrepreneurship 101 Course in partnership with the Community Education and Development Programme, the BEDC’s eight-week Ice House Entrepreneurship Programme, and the BEDC’s eight-week Financial Statements Planning and Costing using the QuickBooks Programme.

Another highlight of GEW was the Annual Celebration of Entrepreneurship and Innovation event which celebrated innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship and announced the winners of the annual Technology Innovation Awards Competition (the TechAwards) and the annual Rocket Pitch Competition.

“The wealth of entrepreneurial ambition and technological innovation on display was impressive,” Dr Gibbons said.

• For Dr Gibbons’s remarks in full, click on the PDF under “Related Media”