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Firefighters agree on pay rise

Government reform minister Lovitta Foggo (File photograph)

Firefighters have accepted a 2.5 per cent pay rise, the Bermuda Government announced today.

The award, retroactive to April 1 this year, came after a negotiation process dating back to July this year, government reform minister Lovitta Foggo said.

It means the Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service joins the Bermuda Public Services Union and Bermuda Union of Teachers in accepting a 2.5 per cent pay increase under the Progressive Labour Party government.

Ms Foggo stated: “As I noted last month, our union negotiation process continues with the relative bodies, and we are pleased to highlight this latest successful development with the Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service.

“On a regular basis the men and women of the BFRS are called upon to provide life-saving services on behalf of the people of Bermuda. We are proud of their role in our community and we are thankful for their bravery and courage.”

Chief fire officer Lloyd Burchall said: “I would like to commend the negotiation teams. It is my view that the signing of this collective agreement represents a step in the right direction towards improving officer morale and helping to clarify the future of the fire service.”

Jamal Albuoy, Bermuda Fire Service Association chairman, said: “I would like to acknowledge the cordial approach that the public sector negotiation team brought to the handling of government’s mandate in this process.

“The FSA is pleased with the agreed amendments and improvements made in our collective bargaining agreement.”