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Atherden Cup Match message

Opposition leader Jeanne Atherden (File photograph)

One Bermuda Alliance leader Jeanne Atherden released this Cup Match message today:

It is the time of year that everyone in Bermuda looks forward to with huge anticipation — East vs West, the renewal of old rivalries rooted in a 118-year-old tradition.

Cup Match has a unique ability — not only does it stir the emotions for weeks before it even takes place but it also unites foes and heals divisions. People from different sides of the fence forget their differences, if only for two days.

Cup Match is an event which marks the day that Bermuda was discovered by Admiral Sir George Somers in 1609. It also marks Emancipation Day, one of the most significant chapters in the history of Bermuda, and one we should never, ever, forget.

This is a time of reflection to acknowledge the advancement of our people since the fateful shipwreck in 1609. While our 400 year history has been mired by the systemic disenfranchisement and enslavement of our people we must celebrate the Emancipation of our people and the progress that we have made since 1834.

Our island is truly another world, while many other nations have shared the same paths of history we continue to lead the world in our progress since 1834. While we still have a long way to go when it comes to the empowerment and equality of Bermudians of African descent we must always look towards the future in order to achieve the achievable.

After this reflection we must come together as one people, one family and one Bermuda to continue to lay the ground work for economic and social success for all. These issues will not just be solved by politicians, it will take all of us to come together to work towards a common goal.

The holiday provides Bermuda with the opportunity to remember the importance of both days as well as spend time with family and friends at the game itself, on the beach, camping or just relaxing at home.

We can enjoy the fact that we live in Bermuda and we have much to be thankful for.

I hope you have a wonderful — and safe — holiday and may the best team win! (Go Somerset!)