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Burch praises HomeStart programme

A programme to help families get on the property ladder is tackling Bermuda’s “housing crisis”, a minister told MPs.

Lieutenant-Colonel David Burch, the Minister of Public Works, updated the House on the Bermuda Housing Corporation’s HomeStart programme, which was launched under the former One Bermuda Alliance administration.

The scheme was designed to help BHC tenants to buy selected homes from the BHC portfolio or properties owned by Clarien Bank.

The bank will provide up to 100 per cent mortgages for listed homes.

Colonel Burch told MPs that one family who went through the programme saved enough money to put a down payment on their own home.

He said: “The sense of accomplishment and pride of these families serves as an inspiration to all of us to continue to provide opportunities for more Bermudian families to own their piece of the rock.”

To read Lieutenant-Colonel David Burch’s statement in full, click on the PDF link under “Related Media”