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Oracle base to be hub for Moth Worlds

Flying ace: Outteridge is expected to be among International Moth World Championships racing fleet

Oracle Team USA’s former base at Dockyard will provide the main hub for the International Moth World Championships, which Bermuda will host in the spring.

Somers Kempe, the Royal Bermuda Yacht Club rear commodore for international sailing events, confirmed that Oracle’s former base inside the South Basin has been designated as the race village and launch area for the international regatta, featuring the high-performance foiling Moth dinghy.

“It’s more space and the facility lends itself well to those boats,” Kempe said. “We last ran the Amlin Moth Regatta out of Barr’s Bay Park, which is another good location, but the Oracle base has other advantages — especially if you can use the sheds area which is more protection for the boats.”

The International Moth World Championships will take place from March 25 to April 1, with all racing taking place on the Great Sound, the venue for last year’s America’s Cup. The event will showcase some of the sailors that competed in that competition.

“A bunch of the America’s Cup guys will be coming and we have to think they are going to have a leg up on a number of other people coming in and sailing on that body of water for the first time,” Kempe said.

“A lot of America’s Cup guys are in that class now and we should see a few of them actually make the trip back to Bermuda to participate in the Moth Worlds.”

Australian Nathan Outteridge, the 2014 Moth world champion and Artemis Racing helmsman at the America’s Cup, is expected to be among the racing fleet.

Several Bermudians are expected to compete, with Benn Smith having already revealed his intentions to participate.

“That will be my second Moth event, as I did the Amlin event a year ago and came top Bermudian,” Smith said.

The Moth World Championships will be preceded by the two-day Bermuda National Moth Championships, which place on March 23 and 24.

“The Bermuda National Moth Championships is going to be used as a warm-up regatta,” Kempe said.

“A lot of the guys that are coming down to do the worlds are going to sail the nationals ahead of it to practice in the location and maybe test out some gear.

“There will be a lot of sailors coming to the island with some experiencing Bermuda for the first time.”