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Girls promote ‘give and let live’

Small acts can save lives: BHS students raise awareness for blood donor awareness day with the Betsy Blood Drop mascot

Enterprise students at BHS were hard at work promoting their “Give and Let Live” project in advance of World Blood Donor Day on June 14.

Their goal was to raise awareness for the need to give blood. They wore the Betsy Blood Drop mascot costume around school and spoke to fellow students about the importance of donating blood.

Students also encouraged those who could to donate during the week. Several teachers and parents also took the time to give blood.

They also welcomed Dr Clyde Wilson, chief of pathology, Dr Eyitayo Fakunle, consultant haematologist and nurse Correia and nurse Roth from BHB to present an assembly to the entire secondary student body.

While the majority of BHS students are too young to donate blood, they were not too young to learn about and share the vital need that blood donation plays in saving millions of lives each year around the world.

IB1 student Iannah Caines said: “Madison Thompson and myself as enterprise leaders dressed as Betsy to encourage our peers to get involved.

“It is important to raise awareness for blood donations because the blood bank is always in need of replenishment.

“One small act can help save many lives. One day it could be you on the receiving end.”