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Manage sea lice rash yourself

If you suddenly come down with a red itchy rash after swimming you don’t necessarily have to rush to hospital for relief.Roslyn Bascombe Adams, deputy chief of Emergency at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, said there have been a number of people who have been to the Emergency Department and the Lamb Foggo Urgent Care Centre in St David’s with this complaint.The symptoms are a result of swimmers being stung by jellyfish larvae commonly referred to as sea lice.But she said in most cases seeing a physician is unnecessary.“Cases should be treated by removing the suit, washing the area with a water and vinegar solution and using topical one percent hydrocortisone cream for the itching,” she said.“This care can be done over-the-counter at a pharmacy and rarely is there a genuine need to come to the ER.”So next time you’re going boating or swimming around the Island, take a bottle of vinegar with you. It could save you from an itchy experience, and a trip to the ER.