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Bermudian dialect comes under scrutiny

A linguistics graduate carrying out research into the Bermudian dialect is to host a presentation on the topic next month.Britanni Fubler wants anyone interested in how Islanders speak to attend ‘How You Hanlin’ Me? A Presentation on the Lexical, Phonological and Phonetic Properties of the Bermudian Dialect’ at Bermuda College’s North Hall Lecture Theatre on November 3 at 6.30pm.The University of Toronto graduate is advertising the session with a flyer which asks: “Have you or your friends ever thought that the Bermudian dialect was uneducated? Sounded ignorant? Was inappropriate in public settings?“Or are you of the persuasion that it is beautiful and unique and should be a celebrated part of our culture?”The flyer continues: “You do not want to miss out on learning about our dialect, culture and why we should be proud of our heritage. Invite your friends, colleagues, relatives, ace boys, ace girls!”Ms Fubler recently gained her bachelor’s degree in linguistics and Portuguese and says she “completed two projects in my final year which have proved to be invaluable to both the linguistic community and our community here in Bermuda”.She said she received an “overwhelmingly positive response” to that research and had now expanded her study to look at whether white and black Bermudians “sound the same”.“Come along and find out if this is really true!” her flyer says. “We will also be discussing the changes in our dialect and whether or not it is facing extinction.”Anyone wanting more information can e-mail Ms Fubler at bfubler[AT]gmail.com.