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Anon, or not anon. That is the question

Should letters remain anonymous?

On our website, www.royalgazette.com, we are running this poll: Should The Royal Gazette stop anonymous letters and publish the author’s name?As of writing, 37 percent said ‘yes’ and 60 percent ‘no’ with three percent undecided. A total of 1,157 people had voted. (It’s not too late to vote). There are powerful reasons for allowing letters to stay anonymous.The whole idea of allowing anonymity in the first place was to give a voice to those that were not allowed a voice, to let them air in the public domain the injustices they suffered — without fear of retaliation.Sometimes someone feels compelled to complain about an issue because they are not getting satisfaction from the authorities — but where identification could harm them personally.On the other hand, it is too easy to take cheap pot shots at people under the cloak of anonymity and there are now more organisations set up to deal with complaints. There is also an increasing move towards transparency and accountability. This newspaper is not immune to that.It is our readers to whom we are most accountable, so it is the readers who will have a big say in whether we insist on names being published with letters, or not.We will read and take on board what you say and try and reach a decision which we think best serves the community we serve.Please send your thoughts to acting Editor Jeremy Deacon, or leave your thoughts in the comment section of our website. E-mail jdeacon@royalgazette.bm .