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Strong start

The Governor George Fergusson and his wife Margret Fergusson leave the Cabinet grounds by a covered horse drawn carriage.Photo David Skinner

It was not so much what was said, it was the order in which it was said that was instructive.Jobs, debt, jobs, small business, entrepreneurs, jobs. That was the first seven pages, then came tourism and then crime. Hitting all the right buttons early.It had the stamp of authority — a considerable achievement given not only the short time Government had to put it together but also the relatively short period of time the One Bermuda Alliance has existed.Of particular interest to this newspaper is the pledge to amend the Human Rights Act to outlaw discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation — a long overdue sign of a mature country.A pledge to remove red tape for business has to be welcomed and a promise to bring in an extra 20 police officers is a very good move.So is the random drug testing of MPs — it is a sign that everyone takes the issue of drug use seriously and no one is immune.In 16 words the Government also spelled out a hugely significant move: “Government will improve teacher recruitment by raising the bar on teaching qualifications for all subject areas.” Education of the Island’s children can only benefit from such a move.What was missing? In the view of this newspaper, a really robust social strategy to underpin the pain caused by the recession until — or if — the job creation and debt reduction plans pay dividends.Some money will be channelled into sports clubs and community organisations, the Medical Clinic is reopening, there is some pension and healthcare help for seniors.Some other social initiatives come under the phrase ‘tough love’ — mandatory life skills programmes in order to qualify for child care allowance and community service for the unemployed if they have not found a job three months after receiving their initial grant.Overall, however, Government has made a strong statement that it is going to try and resuscitate the economy in this Throne Speech — which it needed to do. The Budget is next.