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New horse stables planned for Devonshire

The latest planning applications registered between April 30 and May 5, and advertised on May 9. This list was printed on May 6. Objections to applications must be received within 14 days of the date advertised, May 23.

City of Hamilton


Argus Group Holdings Ltd

5 Trott Road, City of Hamilton

Proposed In Principle Application to use Land as Temporary Car Park (Approx 50 cars and 45 cycles)

(In Principle)


Isolated Ltd.

104 Reid Street, City of Hamilton

Proposed Change Of Use from Office/Commercial to Retail /Member’s Club




Debra Lewis & Donna McQueen

7 Devon Heights Road, Devonshire

Proposed Additions of Bathrooms, Entrance Foyer, Pergola, Pump Room and Backwash Pit — and Installation of Solar Panels on Roof (653 sq ft of panels and 15kw capacity system)



The Seehorse Trust

Vacant lot at junction of Barker’s Hill, Vesey Street and Parson’s Lane, Devonshire

Proposed Construction of Six (6) Horse Stables with Wash bay, Tack Room, Rest Room, Food Storage, and Above Ground Tank, Cess Pit with Borehole and Confirm 5 Paddock areas with Wooden Fencing



Ming, Ms. Danette

32 Jubilee Road, Devonshire

Proposed New 2 Storey Apt (3rd Dwelling Unit), Add Master Suite, Garage, Mud Room, Storage, and Pergola on Upper. Reconfigure Existing Apt. on lower level to 2 Bedroom Apt. and construct New Driveway



Ruth Minors & Ann Saltus

58 Happy Valley Road, Devonshire

60 Happy Valley Road, Devonshire

Proposed Boundary Adjustment (to accommodate existing conditions)

(Final Plan)



Bermuda Red Cross Charitable Trust

9 Berry Hill Road, Paget

Proposed New Grasscrete Parking Area (8 cars, 6 cycles), Enclose Porch to Form Offices and Reception Rooms, Refurbish Existing Stairway, Upper Floor Addition to Gift Shop, and Addition of New Dumb Waiter


Application Application #


Fantasia Bermuda Ltd. P0184/14

6 Dockyard Terrace, Sandys

Proposed Retroactive Application for Construction of Wood Shelf (4’ X 20’) over Roof and on wall Brackets for

installation of A/C Units — Listed Building Site


West End Development Corporation P0185/14

4 Smithery Lane, Sandys

Proposed Building Improvements Consisting of Roof Repairs, Floor Repairs, New Exterior Stairs,

Replacement Windows and Doors (All Works Like for Like)-Listed Building Site.


The Estate of Stewart R. Mott c/o Conrad Martin S0012/14

49 Railway Trail, Sandys

111 Somerset Road, Sandys

115 Somerset Road, Sandys

Proposed Boundary Adjustments and Abandonment of Rights of Ways for Amalgamation of 3 lots into 1 lot

(reversing subdivision approval S0042/11)

(Draft Plan)


Gaglio, Mrs. Mary Frances P0189/14

14 Hinson Lane, Smiths

Proposed Retroactive Application for Placement of Fill in Woodland Reserve and Extension of Existing

Asphalt and Concrete Paving, Regrade Fill and New Planting (Includes Woodland Management Plan)



The Bridgeport SV Trust P0190/14

2 Fairmont Drive, Southampton

4 Fairmont Drive, Southampton

Proposed Temporary Access (for construction works at “Southern Views”)


St. George’s

The Ferry Reach Co. Ltd. P0194/14

Proposed Removal of All Windows, Doors and Shutters, and Install New Timber Windows, Doors and

Shutters-Listed Building Site


Town of St. George

Trustees of Ebenezer Methodist Church P0193/14

9 York Street, Town of St. George

Proposed New Wheel-chair Access and Block-in Second Floor Door — Listed Building Site



Gibbons, Ms. Jennifer P0180/14

2 Marley Beach Lane, Warwick

Proposed New Garage and Driveway Reconfiguration



Amis, Mr. Leon V

8 Khyber Pass, Warwick

Proposed Enclosure of Carport and Renovations to Create Area for a Cremation Retort with Chimney and Pit



Princeton Trust

3 Kirkdale Drive, Warwick

Proposed Thermal Solar Water Heater (25 sq ft) On Top of Existing Light Weight Roof — Listed Building Site
