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Enough with the noise already

13 July, 2014

Dear Sir,

I read with interest the latest “news” regarding the PLP attempt to initiate a Commission of Inquiry into allegations of historic land grabs, the Governor’s decision to reject such inquiry, and the subsequent call by the PLP to have the Governor recalled because they didn’t like his decision.

It appears to me that this particular topic has largely been played in the past when the PLP were in Opposition, so the question I and many other Bermudians wish to ask is: “Why didn’t the PLP take up this motion during their 14 years in Government?”

During that time their majority in Parliament was certainly large enough to easily pass, without relying on the Speaker of the House to drum up enough votes by disenfranchising certain MPs from voting on the motion.

One must also ask the question: “Why is this topic getting traction now?”

Having been involved in the front line of politics for a while now, I am left to conclude that the present interest by the PLP is an attempt to create “noise” and distract the community’s attention from the positive achievements of the OBA Government.

In the world of politics, when the Government of the day are making headway and creating good news, the best tactic for the Opposition is to create negative news stories, because we all know that negative news always gets to the front page and headlines in the TV news, social blogs, talk shows etc.

It is a pity, in my view, that the Opposition cannot mount more meaningful and positive initiatives and policies to both assist and challenge the OBA Government. Positive initiatives can translate to a better quality of life for many in Bermuda and create opportunities where none may have existed.

Unfortunately the PLP do not focus on the future and how they can lead the Island to a better place. This really does point to a lack of vision and leadership in their party, and Bermuda will only suffer more without a good Opposition to challenge and assist the Government to do better.

Whilst I am a strong supporter of the present Government, I also recognise that a strong and effective Opposition is vital to ensuring the Government is focused on doing a good job. Unfortunately the 14 year reign of the PLP as Government has put the Island into a fragile state. And whilst this state is largely financial in nature, there is much negative fallout from our weakened fiscal position which has also affected our social and economic development.

The Island has limited resources to apply remedies to these challenges, so when good news does appear which allows us forward progress, this should be celebrated and embraced by all, including the Opposition.

Creating negative “political noise” does not create a feel good factor for anyone — be they residents, tourists, or outside investors. Surely the Opposition is better than this.

Allan D Marshall JP

St. Georges

July 14, 2014