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Eco fun in the Sun

Collecting glass and pebbles from the beach can help clean our beaches up. These children took it to the next level and created a centre piece for their outside table.

This week Young Observer has been in craft mode.

I’ve realised that crafting with children over the summer can be just as much fun for mum as it is for the children.

Enjoying long walks along the beach combing the shores for pebbles and drift wood is an adventure for all.

But then you get home with your bag of goodies and more family fun continues …

Here we have shared some of our summer crafting projects. Hope you enjoy …

Collage of photos:

1. Cheerio Bird Feeder

2. Sand in a jar

3. Summer Shell Wreath Decoration

4. Shells wind chimes

5. Pebble Art

6. Twister Spray Art in the Garden