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Time for older generation to get out of the way

July 17, 2014

Dear Sir,

With a few months to go before my 30th birthday I feel that my time to speak as a “Young Bermudian” is running short. As such I feel compelled to appeal to the sensibilities of those older than myself.

First, I would like to remind those in positions of power that you are there because the people decided you were the best candidates for the job. It is up to you to respect those responsibilities. Too many of our politicians are seeking office to further themselves, not the country.

Second, many of the older generation are stuck in their ways, and it is appeasing them that holds up progress. It took until 2014 for Sunday liquor sales to be allowed. Will we have to wait until the next decade to see gambling and marijuana legalised? By that point we will be so far behind the curve that it won’t make a difference. Please understand that whilst this has been your Bermuda, one day it will be ours.

Bermuda is divided — there’s no way that can be argued — and the division starts at the top. Politicians, parents, grandparents, church leaders, etc are driving this forward. It is the single most destructive thing, and we experience it on a daily basis. Do I think that we must settle the Tucker’s Town issue once and for all? YES.

Do I believe that a blanket investigation into every detail is viable?

NO. Who do I support then? If you listen to the rhetoric coming out of both sides it’s a “with or against” attitude. If Mr W Brown had taken this rejection for what it was — a request for a focus — and came back with some individual cases, there’s no way the Governor could have said no. If he did, I assure you I would be at THAT march.

In essence what I am saying is that it is your responsibility to leave this island in a better place than it was when you inherited it. There is not, nor will there ever be, a true utopia on this planet, but we could at least try to get as close to it as possible … look around this place is beautiful.

Alex M
