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Old tactics serve no purpose to better Bermuda

July 17, 2014

Dear Sir,

I’m going to start off by stating that it is (or rather should be) common knowledge that in the past lands were wrongfully taken in the Tucker’s Town area. I don’t think anybody will, in today’s society, condone such and I would gather all would condemn these actions of the past. The key word I have used is ‘past.’

Before people go marching on a subject matter, they should stop and think first. All these marchers did not stop to think, well wait a minute, the PLP promoted and wanted the SDO to develop Tucker’s Town area (hypocrisy much?). Many PLP advocates then brought up this past land issue, but admitted it was an atrocity but not much can be done now as those the lands were taken from are long since dead and much of the lands are now developed.

Nobody can take these lands and hand them back to the former owners. Also, the PLP was in power over a decade yet now they wish to make a fuss about it? Did anybody stop to think about that? Let me tell you why. Because Marc Bean, since taking his leadership, has said the PLP will not be an Opposition to just argue and disagree, yet that is all they have done and in the most foolish ways. They all should be docked pay for boycotting parliament.

The Governor was correct! Why spend tons of money the country cannot afford to say what? That the lands were wrongfully taken? We already know that, but nothing can now be done. This is yet another attempt by the PLP to throw racial divisive rhetoric and push for independence at a time when Bermuda is very weak economically, and is so due to their total blundering of our finances.

Yet, again they want to look backwards instead of at the now and future. They are back to old tactics that serve no purpose to better Bermuda. So much from the PLP is civilly/socially backwards with their verbal attacks on any groups in society they deem worthy to attack. Get it together people.