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Tweed’s assertions patronising and grotesque

Minority view: Demonstrators in the People’s Campaign march along Church Street en route to the Cabinet Office

13 August, 2014

Dear Sir,

I accept Rev Tweed’s point, in his letter published August 13th, that a minority can speak for a majority, but he should realise that it is presumptuous and objectionable to assert that his own small group are so representative in this way.

He cannot blithely assume it is a lack of “civic responsibility”, of which he patronisingly reminds us, that keeps people from his marches. Rev Tweed should consider that it may be that the people are not bothered to the same degree as he and his fellows.

Furthermore, his self-aggrandising comparisons to the March on Washington are so frivolous as to be grotesque. The assemblages of the past months are nowhere near that famous event, neither in the seriousness of the issue nor, crucially, its moral rectitude. To maintain otherwise is to devalue its currency.

John Gibbons

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