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Crunching the numbers

Keitha Malcolm-Trott, general accountant, the Bermuda Tourism Authority

If you ever wondered who the people behind the Bermuda Tourism Authority are, and what they do, wonder no more. In a series of articles the BTA will throw the spotlight on their staff members — This week, In The Spotlight talks to Keitha Malcolm-Trott, General Accountant

What are the primary goals & objectives of your position?

My specific objectives are to assist the Director of Finance in managing the overall BTA budget, including monitoring organisational spending and government grants and guest fee collections; to assist in preparing monthly, quarterly and any ad hoc reports needed; highlighting any potential problems that will affect the achievement of the BTA strategic objectives; and participating in the annual audit of financial statements and the review and revising of existing accounting practices and processes.

How do you go about accomplishing those goals & objectives?

By driving work forward and being proactive! Through regular reporting and meetings, I’m able to share information and contribute to the work of the entire BTA team. Showing respect for everyone and building and maintaining good relationships with stakeholders and customers is key.

How does what you do tie into the National Tourism Plan?

My role supports each of the departments in order for them to accomplish their divisional objectives that align with the NTP. The finance support and information I provide helps them manage their budgets and goals.

Describe a typical day

A typical day starts off with my list of things to do, however, that quickly changes and no two days are the same! But generally my day begins with opening e-mail to see what activity took place overnight that needs immediate attention. From there I generate a list of things to do. These tasks will range from helping a colleague figure out how to do something within the accounting system to paying invoices. At the end of the month I’m focused on completing account reconciliations and monthly reports. Thankfully, throughout the day I’m able to step away from my desk and get involved with, and provide feedback to, the other departments regarding projects that are going on.

What prepared you for the role you have?

I have experience with meeting tight reporting deadlines and I’ve worked previously with the accounting system we are using at the BTA.

On the education side, I have a Bachelors in Accounting which helped me get my career started as an Auditor. After three years in the field I went back to obtain my MBA in Global Business with a concentration in Accounting. During my graduate degree I completed my Certified Public Accounting designation as well.

How is your success measured?

On an immediate basis by positive stakeholder and customer feedback. Being able to add value to the divisions outside of my immediate division also adds to my success. Analytically, minimal error and timely reporting is measured as part of my overall success.

Who is integral to your success at work?

My success at work is dependent upon receiving information in a timely and organised manner. So our stakeholders and customers (internal and external) are integral!

Why did you join the BTA team?

I joined the team because I know that our tourism industry will evolve and I wanted to be a part of that. Numbers will always be numbers no matter what industry I work in as an accountant, but to be a part of such a big project that involves my country is invaluable. I am able to see direct results that are tangible. That’s a good thing.