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Revised print schedule

Owing to the expected impact of Hurricane Gonzalo tomorrow, The Royal Gazette has decided not to print a Friday edition.

If the hurricane behaves as forecast, the community should take shelter tomorrow, and avoid going outside.

However, our staff will be live and online tonight and throughout tomorrow — and we will keep our readers informed via our website, as well as our Facebook page and Twitter feed.

Our staff will provide constant updates and news of Hurricane Gonzalo’s approach, impact and aftermath — and our newspaper will go to print for a late Saturday afternoon edition. That truncated edition will be minus our regular sport coverage, which will return on Monday.

Saturday’s newspaper will be put out as soon as possible, and distributed for free. It will be made available throughout the Island at whatever outlets are open, and street vendors will be handing the newspaper out.

In the meantime, if you would like to share hurricane photographs or stories with us, our staff will be on hand to receive them.

Please send your photographs through to photos@royalgazette.com, and tell us of your experiences at news@royalgazette.com.

If you have questions, our reporters will do their best to help out. Contact us at 295-5881

From all of us here at The Royal Gazette, we wish you safe shelter from the hurricane.