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Could bonds improve our finances?

February 11, 2015

Dear Sir,

Having heard about the dire situation our finances are in, I wonder if we could not copy what the United States did during the Second World War and sell some kind of bonds to the general public which would help the situation and also help those of us to save money which we are more likely to spend on “stuff”.

I enclose a description of how the war bonds worked and feel we could adapt the idea to suit our modern day crisis of course changing prices etc to suit 2015.

War Bond Description:

“You could purchase a $25 War Bond for $18.75. The government would take that money to help pay for tanks, planes, ships, uniforms, weapons, medicine, food, and everything else the military needed to fight and win. That’s the investment in your country. Ten years from the time you purchased your War Bond you could redeem it and get $25. That’s the investment you made in your own financial future. Now, $6.25 may not sound like a lot, but most Americans bought more than just $18.75 worth of War Bonds.”

I realise we don’t have the population that the US has but we could also perhaps encourage expatriate businesses to buy the bonds and maybe even convert them into a gimmick that tourists would buy, like the two dollar bill.

Sincerely, JK WILLIAMS