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No power in MP’s call for women to unite

Dear Sir,

I write in response to MP Leah Scott’s letter that appeared in The Royal Gazette on Friday.

In her letter, Ms Scott attacked radio host Sherri J Simmons because a friend had informed her that Sherri J made remarks about her on her show.

The MP goes on to say that she does not know Sherri J, she only knows her husband, but that Sherri J is a host of a radio show.

This is what gets me — instead of the MP contacting Sherri J to speak about why she was the topic of a discussion, she went on a rant about how black women pull each other down instead of building each other up.

Ironically, she did the thing which she attempted to speak against.

It was pure political propaganda on the MP’s behalf.

I am sure that Ms Scott is aware that she was the topic of discussion due to an opinion piece in which she attacked the unions and their membership. It had nothing to do with a black woman bringing another black woman down and everything to do with the content of her opinion piece.

For the MP to try to use the situation to paint Sherri J as a black woman bringing another black woman down was a slap in the face to all black women who have to deal with that issue daily.

The MP needs to grow up and be accountable for the words she puts out and stop hiding behind some false call for “sisters” to come together when she is called out for her words. Her rallying call would have been very powerful as there was truth in it, but she erased all of the power in it by using Sherri J’s discussion on her words as an example of a “sister” pulling another “sister” down.

She did it to hide from the poor words she used in her attack on the workers of this Island, many of whom are “sisters”, and to avoid being held accountable by a very powerful sister that calls it as she sees it.

If you put Sherri J and Ms Scott in the same room to speak about the topic Sherri was discussing, MP Scott would fall on her face, which is why she chose to take the weak route of attempting to make it something it was not.

Sherri J can hold her head up high in her integrity and the work she does to build “sisters” up. Ms Scott has, in the past few weeks, shown that she has no desire to build “sisters” nor the workers of Bermuda up, and I’m sure her head hangs low due to her lack of integrity.

Her bottom line is to do the bidding of her masters in the OBA, regardless of the cost to her people. So sad to see a “sister” allowing herself to be used in such a way.

Makai Dickerson,
