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Quality education the key to economic growth

Dear Sir,

When the OBA took office as the Government of the day they created the Ministry of Education and Economic Development. I thought to myself this is absolutely remarkable.

This Government truly understands that there is a natural relationship between education and economic growth and development.

Over the centuries, there has been much debate amongst economic thinkers on whether individual investments in education influence the wealth of nations.

There is strong evidence that supports such a relationship does indeed exist and that the relationship between education and economic growth and development is both undoubtable and positive. However, the recent move by the Government to split the Ministry of Education from that of Economic Development forces me to ponder the following:

1) Does the Government truly understand the relationship between the education system and the Bermudian economy?

2) Was the consolidation of ministries a move of convenience to utilise the skill-sets of a Minister that they felt had vast knowledge in both subject matters?

3) Will the Ministry of Education again be marginalised to the narrow focus of public school administration?

While I do not have the answers to these questions posed, the reality is that a failing education system translates into a failing Bermuda.

It is in the country’s best interest to have a quality education system that produces superior outputs.

The Ministry of Education needs to devise a strategic plan for the education system — one that provides a clear vision that is embraced by parents, educators and ministry officials.

It should specify where we are, where we need to be and how we are to get there.

In addition, this should tie into a national plan that embraces the critical role that a quality education system plays in the economic growth and development of Bermuda.