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Park protesters up in arms over safety sign

An action group that is trying to stop the Bermuda Government from going ahead with a maintenance yard in the middle of the Botanical Gardens, has expressed safety concerns over a water tower at the site.

“Sections of the roof of the water tower were blown off during recent gales,” said Jennifer Flood, a spokeswoman for Take Back Our Park. “Luckily, no one was hurt, but what is being done to ensure the remaining part of the roof doesn’t blow off causing injury?”

“There is a sign posted on the tower saying ‘Dangerous gases may be present in area’, ‘No flames or sparks’ and ‘Gases can cause loss of consciousness and death and can be explosive’.

“I am concerned about this warning, especially as this site is near one of the areas in the Garden most used by the public. This might possibly be just a standard warning, but if there is, in fact, an explosion risk, the area should be secured.”

Take Back Our Park is trying to halt building work on a new maintenance yard for the parks department, which involves the water tower and two two-storey buildings, as well as parking for department vehicles.

“The centre of the Botanical Gardens is not a suitable place for a maintenance yard,” Mrs Flood said.

“We should not have this type of industrial activity in the middle of a park that is meant to be a safe place for families to enjoy, children to play, and is also a major tourist attraction.”

In the space of a few weeks, more than 1,700 people have signed the group’s petition against the site and more than 730 have signed up to its Facebook page.

Mrs Flood also said the group’s bumper stickers, adorned by the Take Back Our Park logo, are now available to anyone at either Mailboxes Unlimited, on Par-la-Ville Road, or at Paget Dry Cleaners.

“We are asking people to put these on their cars to show their support as we try to preserve the Botanical Gardens,” Mrs Flood said.

“We are asking people flying kites at the Botanical Gardens over the Easter holidays to see the scale of the project for themselves and the impact it will have on people using the gardens and to join all the others who have already signed the petition.”

The Royal Gazette reached out to Minister of Public Works Craig Cannonier for comment, but received no response by press time.