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Like in the colosseums, we watch on as blood is spilled

In Imperial Rome there were huge colosseums where the people, nobles in particular, would gather to watch gladiators fight to the death.

The crowds would roar and jeer the fighters on as they saw the blood being spilled (right).

Our modern-day societies have in similar fashion taken the position of being video watchers rather than participants in this game called life.

Truthfully the responsibility for the whole world lays upon each of us but few ever rise to take up its challenge.

In days gone by particularly when justice and basic human rights was denied for many, there would be talks of egalitarianism as an ideal.

However such ideals are not mentioned so much these days among this populace where the political entertainment seems to enjoy feasting on the ridicule, slurs and denigration of the opponent rather than earnest debate.

It’s a cancerous disease when people engage in this base attitude of character assassinations as a vehicle for self exultation.

It should rather be the case that your truth or your reasoning be the vehicle. In biblical terminology “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good study and glorify your father in Heaven”.

The parliament is just a representation of our leadership, which was granted by our proxy. We need nevertheless to take a responsible stand wherever we are. If the debate on the hill lacks the fibre, we should not mimic or further condescend.

We should pick up from where they dropped the ball and through our attentiveness organise and demonstrate the direction needed.

This call is more than a call to protest or for civil disobedience. It’s a call to clarify a vision that we can articulate and wish to support.