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Parking rage from a senior

Nowhere to park

Dear Sir,

I am the anonymous individual who instigated an exposé into the incredibly selfish parking which has existed in Hamilton for months.

It would appear that the publicising of the situation actually backfired as all those who were unaware of this unbelievable windfall immediately jumped onto the bandwagon!

With RG headlines proclaiming that “We Cannot Clamp” and no traffic wardens, the attempts of the Corporation to try to curb the abuse were destined to be futile.

Those who continued to be slightly concerned are simply using blank Easy Park devices as a decoy.

Last week I had a two hour appointment in the City and in spite of allowing an extra half-hour to find a parking spot, ended up 15 minute late.

I happen to be 75 years old, and with the summer heat already upon us, would find a walk from Bull’s Head inconceivable. So please don’t point to this as an option when this is precisely what the working young and fit should be doing.

After my initial attempt at reporting this flagrant abuse, I was flabbergasted to read a blog on the matter in which I was referred to as a “snitch”.

I can assure you I could come up with a far more colourful moniker for those of you who don’t spare a thought for the aged and the physically challenged.

I was also horrified at the manner in which these bloggers vilified the lady who used her name in connection with this issue, and with the same impunity that the parking offenders are now enjoying.

I shall therefore continue to remain . . .

