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Regiment divers launch 50th anniversary event

Regiment Sergeant Major James Self (left) conducting diving training at Blue Water Divers and Watersports at Somerset Bridge, owned by Regiment Captain Chris Gauntlett, who works closely with the armed service’s divers

The Bermuda Regiment’s diving squad will tomorrow launch an ambitious programme of 50 wreck dives in 50 days at a reception at the Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute (BUEI).

Top marine scientists and conservationists have lined up to add their weight to the event, which will also feature ocean clean-ups, marine archaeological work and help with dealing with invasive lionfish.

Special “Shipwrecked” cocktails will also be on offer at a reception before the official launch at BUEI’s Crow Lane HQ.

Sergeant Major James Self, who is in charge of the Bermuda Regiment Underwater Task Force, said: “It promises to be a great night and the guest speakers are experts in their field with international reputations.

“And people don’t have to be divers to enjoy the event — the health and welfare of the waters around the Island are important to everyone.”

He added that the ultimate success of the wreck dive programme depended on both corporate and public sponsorship.

Sgt Maj Self said: “The wellbeing of the waters around Bermuda is everybody’s responsibility and any assistance with buying equipment or other support is an investment in the future.”

Speakers include Edward Harris, the executive director of the Bermuda Maritime Museum, who will talk about Bermuda’s underwater heritage and the massive array of shipwrecks around the country’s reefs.

Philippe Max Rouja, Government’s custodian of historic shipwrecks, will discuss the challenge of mapping and conserving the Island’s hundreds of wrecks spanning centuries.

In addition, Thaddeus Murdoch, the chief scientist at the Bermuda Reef Ecosystem Analysis and Monitoring Programme will outline plans to train regiment divers in the collection of video footage to help assess the health of reefs and fish stocks, while Corey Eddy, a PhD candidate at the University of Massachusetts, will talk about the threat of alien lionfish and control measures.

The cocktail reception starts at 6pm, with the launch event running from 6.30pm to 7.30pm.

Regiment dive team member Colour Sergeant David Dumont added: “Space is limited to 150 people and it’s sure to be popular, so anyone interested should arrive early.”

•For more information, visit the Bermuda Regiment 50th Anniversary page on Facebook.

•To support the event financially, visit www.br50.bm/sponsorship-opportunities.html