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Rabain post an example of disinformation

Diallo Rabain

Dear Mr Editor,

Lately much has been said/written about a PLP strategy of disinformation and false allegations. Given the highly negative political environment we find ourselves in, I totally appreciate that it is all too easy for the voting population to dismiss this commentary as “just politics”. I would therefore like to share an actual example of disinformation for several reasons:

1, Claims of disinformation and false allegations are real, and not a figment of the imagination

2, Voters need to be able to spot disinformation, whether the source be a political party, radio talk show or publication

3, Voters need to see for themselves that the PLP’s strategy of disinformation and false allegation is not applied only to the OBA, but to absolutely anyone who dares to hold it accountable

With the above stated, the following is a Facebook exchange started by PLP Senate Leader Diallo Rabain on Monday, August 17, 2015.

“Am I the only one that finds it hard to believe it is a mere coincidence that Shawn Crockwell, MP just quoted the same part of Dr Brown’s BIU Labour Banquet Speech in the House that Bryant Trew has spent the last few weeks repeating virtually daily?”

My reply to Rabain follows, and readers are advised that at the point of this letter being submitted, there has been no rebuttal, supporting information, retraction or apology from him.

“Let’s take a moment to deconstruct this post:

1, Although my full name is shown, Sen Diallo V. Rabain deliberately removed the automatic tag. This is likely because he didn’t want me to note the post right away (if at all)

2, He went out of his way to tag four other persons in an attempt to maximise readership, while obtaining replies that would likely agree with his post

3, He has not provided the actual quote that Crockwell used. The reason for this is so that readers would not be able to deny his insinuation on face value. A reader would have to trust that the quote Crockwell used is whatever quote he claims that I’ve used

4, He did not provide any link to where I’ve posted the alleged quote. The purpose of this is so that a reader would not be able to deny on face value that I’ve been posting the alleged quote for the last two weeks on virtually a daily basis.

5, Most importantly, he’s not addressed why the alleged quote is or isn’t of relevance to whatever it was that Crockwell or I were addressing

“Understand that what he’s seeking to do (yet again) is exploit your trust in him by presenting an allegation without giving you the most basic facts. He wants you to trust his assessment of me instead of giving you factual data that would allow you to judge his insinuation for yourself. He did this to me last year on the PRC/LTR issue, and he’s doing it here again. Obviously, this demonstrates how disingenuous his non-apology was and how little integrity he actually possesses.

“Believe it or not, I’ve only written one column in 2015. Yep, just one. Other than that I post on FB as I see fit. Now ask yourself, why does the PLP spend so much time and energy making ad hominem attacks instead of providing reasoned rebuttals to viewpoints it disagrees with? Why is the tax-paid Senate Leader making posts like this instead of posting on the actual legislation debated last night?

“Why do Rabain, Furbert, Butler, Dickerson, etc, go out of their way to launch personal insults instead of addressing the actual points I’ve raised? Think about it.”
