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Seminar to focus on personal PR

Liz Tee of Troncossi Public Relations

Troncossi Public Relations chief Liz Tee is to deliver a seminar on personal PR at the Chamber of Commerce.

Ms Tee said the speech is part of a series of talks on how public relations and social media can help businesses and individuals in reaching their goals.

“While we typically focus on corporate PR, we thought it would be of interest to hold a seminar on personal PR,” she said.

“Media-savvy individuals realise that they can be brands in their own right and can leverage that to the benefit of their business.

“Personal PR campaigns can put people on the map and build their profile just as any corporate PR campaign can do.”

Chamber of Commerce executive director Kendaree Burgess said initial interest in the seminar had been excellent.

She added: “It’s clearly a popular topic and we look forward to hearing from Liz about how to build a personal PR profile.”

The talk will be held at the Chamber’s HQ on Point Pleasant Road, near the ferry terminal in Hamilton, on Friday between noon and 2pm.

The cost of the talk is $10 and $20 including lunch.

Anyone interested in attending can sign up at www.bermudachamber.bm.