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Why I am sad, apprehensive and disappointed

Exciting activity: jet skiing

Dear Sir,

I am sad, apprehensive and disappointed that the Government has acquiesced and allowed two entrepreneurial young men to open a store selling drones, jet skis, and other products that are new and exciting, but will probably keep the emergency department at the hospital busy — and we, the people, annoyed, although some delighted.

We all have our opinions as to who should be serviced, but I will continue with my plea for ever to the environment ministry to adopt a genuine concern for what they bring into Bermuda.

We should challenge these committees who sit and agree to introduce products that cause distress, danger and annoyance to peaceful living.

In previous correspondence, I have mentioned these annoyances ad nauseam, and if we continue to disregard them, we will get used to them and our precious, valued standards of living will be severely compromised. Don’t we see what gets quietly introduced that we seem to accept, whether we like it or not? Guarding and awareness is the key to remaining firm for standards that can seldom be recaptured once lost.

“Not my problem” should never be acceptable.