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Keep on developing yourself

Knowledge-based economy: keep renewing and improving yourself

Knowledge. Most of us seek improve our skills in a variety of ways as we strive to develop and improve our abilities to contribute to our careers and our communities.

As part of these efforts we read, we attend seminars or workshops, we learn from mentors in our place of employment, and we take additional courses at schools or universities.

This renewal and improvement in our skills positions each of us to grow and learn through our lives so that we make the best contributions we can to our families and the world around us.

What steps are you taking to enhance your abilities so that together we can continue to move our businesses and countries forward?

“The entire object of true education is to make people not merely to do the right things, but to enjoy them; not merely industrious, but to love industry; not merely learned, but to love knowledge; not merely pure, but to love purity; not merely just, but to hunger and thirst after justice.” - John Ruskin