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Man charged over New Zealander boat death

Mary McKee

A 26-year-old Southampton man was today accused of killing a woman by driving a boat dangerously.

Andrew Lake was charged in Magistrates’ Court with unlawfully killing Mary McKee, of New Zealand, by driving a boat in a dangerous manner on June 1.

He was also charged with causing actual bodily harm to Mrs McKee’s husband Arthur McKee and grievous bodily harm to Charlie Watson by driving a power craft in a dangerous manner in Pembroke on the same date.

The defendant was not required to enter a plea because the charges are indictable and must be heard in Supreme Court.

Magistrate Khamisi Tokunbo released Mr Lake on $70,000 bail on the condition he surrenders his passport, not leave the jurisdiction without the court’s permission and report to Hamilton Police Station every Wednesday.

The case was adjourned to the December arraignments session.

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