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Sandys teens admit burglary

A pair of Sandys teenagers today admitted burgling a Southampton cycle rental and stealing items worth $8,155.

Jahtaio Winters, 19, and Elyon Adonai, 17, pleaded guilty in Magistrates’ Court to taking three cycles, three helmets, three keys, three spanners and a pair of gloves from an Oleander Cycles trailer on Pompano Beach Road. The offences happened between August 15 and 16.

The court heard that the manager had secured the trailer, which is used as a mobile office, on Saturday evening.

But a window was smashed and items were disturbed and missing when he returned on Sunday. He also noticed that three bikes had been taken.

Prosecutor Cindy Clarke added that police were told about a cycle near the number one tee on Port Royal Golf Course on August 19.

Adonai, who had been seen riding a stolen cycle, was later questioned by police and he admitted riding the bike on two occasions.

On August 31, the other two cycles were recovered and police arrested Winters, who admitted taking the items and told officers that they stole the cycles to get to a party at “the Princess hotel”.

Ms Clarke added that a third individual arrested in connection with this case is being dealt with in the juvenile courts.

Magistrate Khamisi Tokunbo ordered a Social Inquiry Report for Winters and an updated report on Adonai, who is on probation for another offence.

Both were granted $5,000 bail and ordered to abide by a nightly curfew between 8pm to 6am. Sentencing was adjourned until November 21.

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