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She thrilled us with song and dance

Dance and be merry: Jean Howes and Roseclair Caines doing the foxtrot at Admiralty House (Photograph supplied)

Dear Sir,

Senior groups spread across Bermuda, extend their heartfelt sympathy to Jean Howes’s immediate family and friends on her passing. We’re going to miss Jean performing country-and-western foot-stomping songs and her mentoring of schoolchildren through an eclectic arrangement of folk songs.

Accompanied by Jean & Gene and Friends, she entertained hundreds of seniors at charitable events sponsored by the Zurich Insurance Group, Ernst & Young, BF&M and The Fairmont Southampton.

We enjoyed Jean’s company last October, when she came to the Bermuda Senior Islanders’ Centre to celebrate the 90th birthday of her venerable friend, Canon Thomas Nisbett.

In parting, we wish Jean Howes a blissful eternity and we will remember her by her favourite First World War anthem:

It’s a long way to Tipperary,

It’s a long, long way to go.

It’s a long way to Tipperary,

To the sweetest girl I know,

Goodbye Piccadilly,

Farewell Leicester Square!

It’s a long, long way to Tipperary

But my heart’s lies there.


Bermuda Senior

Islanders’ Centre

Admiralty House Park