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Thank you, Khalid

Positive feedback: Khalid Wasi

Dear Sir,

Quite by chance when browsing last month, I came upon Khalid Wasi’s opinion in your paper headed “Nicholl a shining example to humanity”.

On account of this, we connected with relatives not known of for nearly 100 years, and we will remain connected. Thank you, Khalid, and thank you, The Royal Gazette.

As with Albert Nicholl, I also have a profound social conscience — from Melbourne, Australia — and would like to leave readers with issues to mull over.

In the context of domestic violence, are women really beyond reproach? How are we going to teach children from the youngest age about optimising relationships and understanding the stages of marriage as we go through them so as to minimise, theoretically, marriage breakdown and the misery that can go with it?

Happiness and hope are the ideals. Suicide at the rate of 11.8 per 100,000 — 77 per cent male, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics — is a national calamity that is shared worldwide.

These are unhappy issues in the world we live in; so sad that the children are most often the victims.


Melbourne, Australia