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Healthcare expert to speak at Chamber AGM

Guest speaker: Mark Britnell will speak on healthcare at the Chamber of Commerce's annual meeting

An expert on healthcare is to be the keynote speaker at the Bermuda Chamber of Commerce annual meeting this week.

Dr Mark Britnell, chairman and partner of the global health practice at professional services firm KPMG, will talk about the best models for healthcare provision, based on his own book, In Search of the Perfect Health System.

Kendaree Burgess, Chamber executive director, said: “The chamber is pleased to welcome Dr Britnell to speak at this year’s annual general luncheon, specifically focusing on what the perfect healthcare system looks like, which countries’ health systems perform best and the lessons that Bermuda can learn from health systems across the globe.

“We anticipate that this subject will bring forth a lively discussion as healthcare affects every member of the local community.”

Dr Britnell, who has worked for KPMG for eight years, is a regular speaker at international healthcare conferences and contributes to think-tanks, as well as writing for major publications like the British Medical Journal, the Health Service Journal and The Times newspaper.

Stephen Woodward, managing director at KPMG in Bermuda and head of its enterprise practice, said: “Healthcare is a dominant and important topic globally and is particularly relevant in a country like Bermuda that is facing the increased pressures of an ageing population and ever-increasing premiums which will undoubtedly have an impact on our local healthcare system.”

The meeting will be held at the Hamilton Princess on Thursday, between 12.30pm and 2pm.

To book a seat, contact the chamber on 295 4201 or visit www.bermudachamber.bm