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Thompson appointed to Chamber post

Tashae Thompson (photograph provided)

Tashae Thompson, Bermuda Tourism Authority product development manager, has been named the chairwoman of the Bermuda Chamber of Commerce Tourism Division.

Ms Thompson has worked in the tourism industry for ten years and played a critical role in the introduction of the Bermuda Carnival and the Bermuda Food Truck Festival.

She is replacing Lamar Caines, who has agreed to take on a post with the Bermuda Monetary Authority.

Ms Thompson said one of her first objectives will be to help businesses to tailor their products and services to the type of visitors coming to the island.

“Today’s visitor is younger, more experiential and trying to find culturally rich experiences,” she said. “This is a lot different than just five years ago and we have a lot of research data to share that can help businesses meet the desires of these visitors.”

Kendaree Burgess, executive director at the Bermuda Chamber of Commerce, welcomed Ms Thompson to the team, saying: “Tourism plays a key role in Bermuda’s sustainability; it is a significant source of our success as an island. We are confident that her wealth of knowledge and experience in the industry will help her to steer the division and further develop our tourism product.”

Meanwhile, Bill Hanbury, the BTA chief executive, added: “Tashae already has a full plate of important responsibilities at the BTA and the whole team is inspired that she would raise her hand to take on even more responsibility.

“She is just one of the dedicated Bermudians at the BTA who give more than is expected of them every day because they care deeply about their country. They are true patriots of Bermuda.”